International Conference "Dualities in Quantum Groups"

Basic Information:

  • Date
    February 19–23, 2024
  • Venue:
    Osaka Metropolitan University, Sugimoto Campus, Room E408 (4F, Science Building E; No.12 in Campus Map) (in-person only)
  • Keywords:
    quantum group, Lie superalgebra, quantum symmetric pair, Schur duality, Howe duality, super duality, canonical basis, total positivity
  • Banquet:
    Feb. 22nd (Thu.), 18:30, at "Nonohana House" (a restaurant located on campus), JPY5,000
  • Registration:
    Please fill in this form by Jan. 31st.


  • Huanchen Bao (National University of Singapore)Introduction to total positivity (view abstract)
  • Jae-Hoon Kwon (Seoul National University)Introduction to super duality (view abstract)
  • Weiqiang Wang (University of Virginia)Canonical bases and super Kazhdan-Lusztig ABC (view abstract)
The lecturers will present a series of lectures beginning with an introduction for nonspecialists


  • Shun-Jen Cheng (Academia Sinica)Super Duality for finite W-algebras and W-superalgebras (view abstract)
  • Takuma Hayashi (Osaka University)Classification of irreducible representations of real quasi-reductive algebraic supergroups under some working hypotheses (view abstract)
  • Sin-Myung Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)Spin-oscillator correspondence for quantum affine algebras and super duality (view abstract)
  • Ming Lu (Sichuan University)Drinfeld type presentation of quasi-split affine i-quantum groups (view abstract)
  • Li Luo (East China Normal University)Howe duality and invariant theory of i-quantum groups of type AIII (view abstract)
  • Yaolong Shen (University of Virginia)Quantum supersymmetric pairs and $\imath$Schur duality of type AI-II (view abstract)
  • Taiki Shibata (Okayama University of Science)On representations of split quasireductive supergroups (view abstract)
  • Hiroyuki Yamane (University of Toyama)Typical irreducible character formula for generalized quantum groups (view abstract)


\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \ & 19 \text{ (Mon.)} & 20 \text{ (Tue.)} & 21 \text{ (Wed.)} & 22 \text{ (Thu.)} & 23 \text{ (Fri.)} \\ \hline \text{10:00 } – \text{11:00} & & \text{Wang 2} & \text{Bao 2} & \text{Kwon 3} & \text{Lee} \\ \hline \text{11:30 } – \text{12:30} & & \text{Lu} & \text{Luo} & \text{Wang 3} & \text{Yamane} \\ \hline \text{14:00 } – \text{15:00} & \text{Kwon 1} & \text{Kwon 2} & & \text{Bao 3} & \\ \hline \text{15:30 } – \text{16:30} & \text{Wang 1} & \text{Shibata} & & \text{Cheng} & \\ \hline \text{17:00 } – \text{18:00} & \text{Bao 1} & \text{Hayashi} & & \text{Shen} & \\ \hline \end{array}


  • Yoshiyuki Kimura (Osaka Metropolitan University)
  • Masato Okado (Osaka Metropolitan University)
  • Hideya Watanabe (Osaka Metropolitan University)


This conference is held as a part of OCAMI Joint Usage/Research "Quantum Groups, Their Generalizations, and Super Dualities" (Proposer and Principal Investigator: Hideya Watanabe), and supported by Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute (MEXT Promotion of Distinctive Joint Research Center Program JPMXP0723833165), Osaka Metropolitan University.
This conference was supported by the 2023 Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) Strategic Research Promotion Project (STEP-UP Research) (Principal Investigator: Masato Okado) and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP20K14286 and JP22KJ2603 (Principal Investigator: Hideya Watanabe)